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The first Caretta caretta nest in Çıralı of 2018.

The first Caretta caretta nest was viewed yesterday in Çıralı of 2018. Maybe the Caretta caretta eggs were left in April for the first time in Çıralı's history. While he thinks it is good news from one side, he thinks the climatic change from the other side is how fast and dangerous it is ..

The first Caretta caretta nest in Çıralı of 2018.

The first Caretta caretta nest was viewed yesterday in Çıralı of 2018. Maybe the Caretta caretta eggs were left in April for the first time in Çıralı's history. While he thinks it is good news from one side, he thinks the climatic change from the other side is how fast and dangerous it is ..

Transfer to or from Kibala

. If you like us to arrange your transfer from the airport or from Antalya (even late at night or early in the morning) we would need: the flight number, the name of the airport of departure and the time of arrival in Antalya. The price is 50 Euro up to 2 person one way. Cirali kibala hotel

Çirali Olimpos karetta karetta https://www.facebook.com/BaskaCiraliyok/videos/1195261157250719/

P:S Special thanks to Martin Route and Maria Claire for their sharing the video record which they made in Sazak Bay,

Not: Martin Route'a ve Maria Claire'e gönülden teşekkürler hem serbest dalış hakkında paylaştıkları için hem Sazak koyunda kendi çektikleri bu görüntü için.

As known they have been survived through the years ( 95 millon years may be a referance value of their existance ) in & out of the sea! We see in this video our fellow one comes to up from deep in the sea taking some atmhosphere oxigene and going back to deep again. We found a pleasing viewing her on the way up to breathing and we wanted to share with you. Shall we wonder that does she survive ? Good luck ..